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2023 Award Winners


This award is given to publicly honor and recognize a school nurse from the St. Louis Suburban membership who demonstrates excellence in school nursing practice and leadership in school health.

We are so proud to present the School Nurse of the Year award to our long-standing SLSSNA President Angie Oest!! Nurse Oest has excelled throughout her career with many notable accomplishments, including: MSN degree completion in 2023, is a Nationally Certified School Nurse, current President-Elect of MASN, President of SLSSNA 2020 - current, Outstanding Service of a School Nurse Award (MASN 2022), Rising Star Award (MASN 2018, SLSSNA 2017), and Rockwood School District Above and Beyond Award 2020.

Here is what her nominators had to say:

"The care that students receive from Angie sticks with them. She had a diabetic student from K-5, who is now in high school... She and the student grew very close over the years, and that student often sends her emails to let her know that no one has meant as much to her as Nurse Oest."

“Mrs. Oest is a warm, engaging individual who teaches others by example, is inclusive, and consistently exhibits curiosity and motivation to learn… She always displays compassion and caring for her students by caring for them as if they were her own children.”

“Angie schedules the Vision Van and reaches out to all schools in Rockwood to try and get as many students serviced in one day as possible. This includes a massive scheduling effort by Angie with all Rockwood schools, social workers and multiple cab companies… This is the only event like this at Rockwood and it wouldn’t happen without the Westridge School Nurse… Angie’s dedication, care, organization, effort, and philanthropy make her the perfect candidate for the SLSSNA School Nurse of the Year. I hope you agree!”

Congratulations Angie!!!


An award to recognize a school nurse who has made an outstanding contribution to his/her school, community, district, or state organization.

Here is what her nominators had to say:

"I am nominating her for this award not only because of her daily care and commitment to her students but because she has consistently served her students on the annual sixth grade camping trip. This campout is a three night-four day adventure with 100+ middle school students. Typically, there are 3 back-to-back weeks of camp sessions in the fall! Camp gives the students a traditional summer camp experience, alternative learning opportunities, and a great chance for team building!


Amy is the medical professional at camp to provide first aid, emergency response, triage, and daily medications, and to also provide counseling when there’s homesickness and panic attacks. She is responsible for educating the camp counselors (high schoolers) on the medical needs of students assigned to them. The prep for camp is a weeks-long process that starts pretty much the second week of school. In the midst of her other school nursing duties and prep for the fall semester, 6th grade camp prep requires constant communication with parents getting emergency action plans, emergency medications, and daily medications in order and also tracking down needed physician orders. Without Amy providing this medical care and coordination, camp would not be accessible for the numerous students with medical needs."

Congratulations Amy!


An award to recognize a new school nurse who has made an impact in her school or community as an emerging leader in school nursing.

Alexandra Schmidt, RN

Here is what her nominators had to say:  

“ comes down to this fundamental truth. Nurse Schmidt makes sure that her students and staff leave her office feeling a part of something healthy and, in turn, loved and cared for,”

“She works tirelessly to make all students feel accepted and valued using daily words of affirmation and encouragement… She is always happy and willing to go the extra mile for her staff, students, and team. I highly recommend her for the Rising Star Award and anticipate great things for her future in school nursing.”

Congratulations Alexandra!!

Lisa Munch, MSN, FNP-C

Here is what her nominators had to say:

“Her years of experience and role as a practitioner allow her to provide excellent care to the students at Henry Elementary. She is eager to learn best practices in school nursing,”

“She is such a wealth of knowledge for students, families, and staff which makes everyone feel at ease and comfortable. Lisa is very connected in the community due to her extensive background, which allows her to have a bank of resources and is able to share them with families… She is very passionate about keeping everyone in our school healthy and well!”

Congratulations Lisa!!


An award to acknowledge a person or group who has contributed to assist SLSSNA in achieving its goal of quality health care for all children in the St. Louis Suburban area.

Captain Matt Coppin is the Captain of External Affairs and Community Health for the Metro West Fire Protection District. He has partnered with many schools and school nurses within the Metro West Fire Protection District and beyond. Through Matt's partnership, he brought Stop the Bleed training to nurses and school staff, provided triage training for school nurses, created videos of tourniquet application and CPR refreshers, and continues to be a source of knowledge for school nurses.

Here is what his nominators had to say:

“It is obvious that community health and preparedness is a passion of his. He cares deeply about helping people be prepared for emergencies and making Rockwood staff much more comfortable in dealing with difficult situations. His calm and friendly demeanor makes it easy to work with him and he is a genuine asset to all Rockwood nurses and the Lafayette [High School] community at large.”

Thank you Captain Coppin!

Ms. Chappell has been a long-time supporter of St. Louis Suburban. As a community outreach and education coordinator for St. Luke's hospital, Chappell is SLSSNA's contact for presenting the monthly education series. She coordinates room reservations, assists in speaker development, is a smiling, warm face to greet everyone as they arrive, and is the coordinator to make sure the continuing education paperwork is completed fully and approved!

Here is what her nominators had to say:

“Laurie’s relationship with St. Louis Suburban School Nurses’ Association is the backbone of the organization’s ability to offer continuing education credits for speaker events,” and “Laurie’s commitment to providing education to St. Louis area school nurses directly translates into our improvement in practices and improvement in our students’ health.”

Thank you Ms. Chappell!

St. Louis Suburban School Nurses' Association is a local district of the Missouri Association of School Nurses (state level), which is an affiliate of the National Association of School Nurses (national level).  We all work in collaboration for the goal of optimizing student health and learning. State and national organizations have useful information for school nurses. Visit their websites by clicking on their logo.

? 2022 St. Louis Suburban School Nurses' Association