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SLSSNA Monthly Meeting Sample Text
Summer Lunch & Learns Sample Text

February, 2025

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Join SLSSNA as we learn from our very own Linda Neumann!

Sometimes a child or youth‘s school is their only safety net, especially vulnerable youth. Human trafficking (HT) has been reported in all 50 states. Regardless of race, class, education, gender, age, or citizenship, anyone can be the target of traffickers. However, childhood abuse and an unsafe environment increase vulnerability to being trafficked. Knowing what to look for and how to report abuse is only the tip of the iceberg. This session will provide an overview of HT prevalence, terminology, how vulnerability can lead to exploitation, indicators of child sex trafficking, risk factors of HT such as adverse events, using a trauma-informed approach, reporting suspected HT that is in accordance with MO laws, tips to protect child/youth online, victims’ recovery resources, examples of education prevention resources and more.

Linda Neumann has been an RN for 48 years, in pediatric hospitals, a school nurse and an Independent Consultant. She has been the school nurse liaison since 2017 for the Human Trafficking Collaborative Network (HTCN). Linda is currently a member of HTCN Steering Committee and provides educational sessions for schools in Missouri. She is also a past President of SLSSNA and MASN and a past board member of NASN.

St. Louis Suburban School Nurses' Association is a local district of the Missouri Association of School Nurses (state level), which is an affiliate of the National Association of School Nurses (national level).  We all work in collaboration for the goal of optimizing student health and learning. State and national organizations have useful information for school nurses. Visit their websites by clicking on their logo.

? 2022 St. Louis Suburban School Nurses' Association